Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cucumber Melon Water with Mint

As we continue to hydrate while keeping up variety, I have another flavor of water for you!

One of my favorite scents is the clean aroma of cucumber & melon together. YUM! Then add a little mint to the mix for a refreshing kick. Close your eyes for a moment & imagine it...Mmmmmm...

Well, how about this? Add those very things to your water! Oh yes...that's what I'm talking about!

Here's what I did:




* 16 oz chunked melon (seedless watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe)
* 2 small seedless variety cucumbers, thinly sliced
* 1 long or 2 short mint sprigs
* about 1 gallon of filtered or tap water
* ice cubes (optional)


~ Make sure melon is cut up into 1 to 1 & a half inch chunks; try to make sure as many seeds are out as possible

~ wash cucumbers & thinly slice (I like using English cucumbers since they are seedless already)

~ wash mint sprig(s) (I still had some to use, so I tossed it in there)

~ place all above ingredients into a 1 gallon pitcher, preferably with a slotted lid

~ fill the rest of the pitcher with filtered or tap water

~ add ice cubes, if desired

~ allow to sit for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator, or overnight

~ hydrate until gone; repeat about 2 or 3 times since the melon may not last as long


This may be my favorite flavored water. Seriously.

Again...I want to hydrate with this water! All while getting some of the health benefit properties from the ingredients. Such a super win!

I used pre-cut melon spears this time, but I always promote swinging by your local farmer's market to get the  freshest stuff. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

May I also suggest making a green tea with honey & milk with this water? Because it is so scrumptious, too!

And don't forget being super green by using that favorite cup or glass to drink from, or keep filling up that reusable bottle!

Happy Hydrating, everyone!


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