Saturday, May 25, 2013

Autumn Water

I want to be clear when I say that I do not like the heat. Yes, summertime is a time off & to "enjoy" outside time...but the heat & sun are generally too much for me. My time of year is the fall. I love fall. The colors, the landscapes, the clothes, the smells...and the flavors!

As we are entering into the continued hot weather, we are supposed to be doing something very important for ourselves: HYDRATE! And I do mean hydrating with lots of water! I did already share one way to do that with flavored water...and it's delicious! (Lemon Cucumber Water recipe HERE) However, you gotta change it up from time-to-time...

I have seen a couple of "detox water" how-to's out there. It's generally an apple-cinnamon water (which is really good, by the way), but I like to bump it up a bit. I added a couple more flavors in there to boost up my  reminiscing of the fall season...all while staying cool & hydrated...and apparently "detoxed".

Here's what I did:


Pictured:  pitcher of Autumn Water, water over ice in my cute cup,
Honeycrisp apple (big red one at the bottom), Granny Smith apple (the greenish one - just for variety),
Asian Pear (the ugly, yellowish, apple-looking fruit), ginger root & cinnamon sticks, plus green tea bags


* 1 medium to large apple, cored & thinly sliced into discs (I used a Honeycrisp apple)
* 1 medium to large pear, cored & thinly sliced into discs (I used an Asian pear)
* 2 cinnamon sticks
* 2 inch ginger root, peeled & cut into chunks
* about 1 gallon of filtered or tap water
* ice cubes (optional)

~ wash/rinse the apple & the pear, core both fruits, and slice thinly (I did horizontally for big, round discs)

~ rinse off the ginger root, pat dry & then carefully slice/peel the outer skin off the root until about a 1 x 2 inch piece is left (just smell the fresh lemony scent to it...yum)

~ in a 1 gallon pitcher (preferably with a slotted lid), place the ginger root, cinnamon sticks, apple & pear slices inside

~ fill the pitcher with filtered or tap water

~ add in ice cubes, if desired

~ place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour to let the flavors sit & steep (longer is overnight)

~ enjoy often

~ repeat about 4 more times before discarding steeping contents

= I used the Honeycrisp apple for it's natural "apple cider" flavor properties. You may use any apple you like. I plan on using our Golden Delicious apples from our back yard when they are ripe for the pickin'!

= I used the Asian pear since it was evenly large & round. It looks like an ugly apple but with dark pear coloring & texture. You may use any type of pear you choose. If I were choosing again...I might do a more traditional variety. I just think they have more flavor. I have done it that way before.

= Use this water when you make a cup of green tea & add some honey. SOOOOO yummy!!!!!

= Freeze the water in ice trays & let them melt into your iced tea: sweet or unsweet.

= Keep filling up that super fun, reusable cup/glass &/or awesome reusable water bottle! Keeps you wanting to hydrate while staying green by keeping waste out of the landfills.


And you know what? In all of are getting some of the benefit properties from the flavor steeping of the fruits & stuff.  So, drinking this one will help with the antioxidant, fiber, vitamin C...and I'm pretty sure a whole lot of other good-for-you stuffs from the ginger & cinnamon & fruits. But I just really love the flavor! Like...REALLY love the flavor!!!

I continue to play with flavored waters & will keep posting recipes throughout the summer to keep things fresh while keeping up variety. Especially while making use of the produce from farmers' markets while they are all in full swing & going strong!

Support your local farmers, people...if possible! And it's better for you, anyway. Or just hit the produce section of your local grocer.

Keep healthy & hydrated, people! And love every moment of it! And try not to consume tons of caramel with it...even though you might be tempted. Seriously.



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