Saturday, May 11, 2013

Easy Croutons

Oh man! You have that loaf of bread that didn't quite get used! Now what?

WAIT! Don't throw it away! Read what to do with that stale bread here!

Bread is an odd commodity around our house. Either everyone wants sandwiches, so we run out quickly...or...we stock up just to be left we 2 loaves of uneaten bread. Go figure.

I hate wasted food. Hate is a strong word...and that's why I'm using it. Wasted food makes me cringe. So it was very difficult for me to throw out full loaves of bread...or even 5-10 pieces that didn't get used. So what is one to do with a ton of leftover bread?


That's right, I repurpose the bread.'s what I do:



~ slightly stale sliced bread - not moldy
~ cooking spray
~ seasonings of choice:
(Italian seasonings; salt & pepper; Scarborough Fair - aka Simon & Garfunkel: parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme; cinnamon & sugar; etc.)


* Preheat oven to 375 degrees F

* Cut the slightly stale bread slices into 16 cubes, each; you can remove crusts first, if preferred

* liberally spray jelly roll pan/lipped cookie sheet with cooking spray

* place bread cubes in a single layer on the cooking sheet

* take cooking spray & spray the tops of the bread cube layer

* sprinkle with seasoning (blend) of choice evenly over the sprayed bread cubes

* place in oven for about 10 minutes until golden brown

* remove from oven & allow to set for 2-5 minutes, and then turn over all croutons for a couple more minutes before removing from baking sheet

* you store the croutons in an airtight container at this point


* place croutons in a large bowl for 8-14 hours to air dry for crunchier croutons

* be sure to store in an airtight container for about 1-2 weeks

~~ If Italian Butter is the variety of choice, use THIS RECIPE HERE, minus the cheese and substitute the actual olive oil for olive oil cooking spray in the technique listed above.

Now ready to serve in soups, salads or whatever you want or need to use them for!


My youngest is a big fan of croutons and gets super excited when he sees I'm making some! The rest of the family really likes them, too.


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